Saturday, 13 December 2008

Leaflet Cost - getting the best price.

When you are promoting your business through a leaflet design, the cost is very important and you want to do everything in your power to get this as low as possible - without sacrificing either design or print quality. At Add Design we specialise in affordable leaflet design, and we are always happy to advise on the best ways to reduce the leaflet cost. Whoever is designing and printing your leaflets, here are some tips for getting the best leaflet cost.

Graphic Design.
All of Add Design's prices are fixed, but if you graphic design works on an hourly rate make sure you know what it is. Also insist on knowing how long the design is likely to take and whether you will be charged for ammendments and print-prepping. Designers may pretend that 'graphic design' is a magic art, but most designers should know how long the average design takes and the average leaflet cost.

Stock images.
If you require stock images, then make sure you know how much these will cost before your designer purchases them. If the price per image is high, then you may be able to search some of the cheaper stock libraries yourself for the right image and purchase it for much cheaper before handing it on the designer.

Print Quality.
There are varying qualities of print, and these come at a different price. If you are doing a straight-forward mail drop then you probably don't need the greatest print quality so can settle for a cheaper print run and reduce the leaflet cost. Tell your designer how important print quality is, and ask for print samples so you can compare quality.

Number of copies.
There is a good rule of thumb here. The more copies you do, the cheaper the cost per item. Sometimes there can be almost no difference between the leaflet cost of 2000 print run and 5000 print run. Always order more than you need - better to pay a little but extra for some more copies than have to do a reprint (which is much more expensive). When you request a print quote always ask them to quote more than one quantity, so you can compare the costs.

Printing time.
Printers need to schedule their time and will often give discounts if you are flexible on turnaround. They will also add a premium if you are in a hurry. If you plan your promotion in advance and have some time in hand ask your printer/designer if there is any saving on the leaflet cost for a longer turnaround.

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